Hi folks, this HSHBnB Recommends page is a list of businesses and groups of local folks who have provided excellent food, or service of some sort, to me personally or to Home Sweet Home Bed and Breakfast. The list will change and is only a reflection of our personal experiences...
Food and Restaurants....
We have many many good restaurants here in Paris and the Lake Area. Several are within easy walking distance. One of us have eaten at every restaurant mentioned here and will do so again. There are many other great restaurants and eateries here in Paris and the Lake Area... please just ask.
We have several good Mexican food restaurants here in Paris as well as a new tacqueria. Two of them are on Mineral Wells Ave. El Varquero is the older of the two and they are both excellent. At least one Mexican restaurant within walking distance. Ask us about them... lots of good food to be had here in Paris, somewhat partial to Mexican food...
Art, Culture, and History...:
More to follow:

Barber and Beauty

